Friday, December 2, 2011

30oz Steak Productivity!

Reminiscing back when I was talking to a brilliant friend of mine, he altered my belief about staying productive through consistency rather than urgency.

He said…

“I don’t see why many people allow themselves to get caught up in such urgency to do many things at the same time and have really nothing to show for it in the end. Why not just take small incremental steps that are consistent, so that it’s manageable for you to see it through to the end, then move on to the next one.”

Recently I’ve been bombarded with tons of work projects and self projects; from engineering designs for work and lifestyle engineering for myself. Yes I’m busy with all these activities, and yes I got some things done, yet somehow I still felt unproductive because my main goals are still yet to be accomplished.

That’s when my brain quickly went to flashback mode and picked out what my friend told me about taking “…small incremental steps that are consistent…” I love how memories just appear out of nowhere and it completely reminds you what you have forgotten to help you out, it’s magical really.

Just like eating a nice 30oz steak cooked to perfection. You don't pull the whole piece in your mouth right away. First of all it's impossible, and worse of all you'll choke and probably kill yourself if you manage to force it all in at once.

Rather you take a steak knife, cut up the steak into little chewable nibblets and you savor the flavor of each piece you bite into. Consistently repeat this process of cutting small steak pieces, before you know it, you've managed to eat and enjoy a whole 30oz steak.

So ask yourself…

“Are you a victim of urgent activities with little to no desired results to show for it?”

If so, momentarily re-evaluate your current situation and pick just one activity or project to stay productive in and see it through to the end. Not only will you decrease your workload and stress, you'll enjoy doing it to the point where you will stay motivated to tackle what's next in line.

Bon Appetit! 

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